Weight loss is an area in which there are ever-changing fads and new and exciting research done all the time. These things change what people do on a daily basis in an attempt to lose weight. But there are some principles of weight loss that stand the test of time and don't fit the definition of a fad. Here are some of them to take a look at and consider incorporating into your life. After all, they don't seem to be going anywhere.
Manage Your Stress to Help Manage Your Weight
Stress not only causes us to reach for sugar-laden comfort foods, but it also has a detrimental effect on the microbial constituency of our guts. Stress can also increase the cortisol levels in your body, which makes you more prone to putting on and maintaining belly fat. The more you can manage your stress and maintain calm, the healthier you'll be and the easier it will be for you to lose weight. Techniques like yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and meditation can all be useful tools to incorporate into your daily life to fight stress. A Garcinia cambogia supplement can also help keep your serotonin levels up, which helps decrease stress.
Stick to "Slow and Steady"
Losing one to two pounds per week is really the best way to go when losing weight. It provides for the healthiest loss for your body and the highest chance that you'll be able to keep it off. Not only that, but it may also make it less likely that you will develop loose and sagging skin from losing a lot of weight quickly.
Exercise Helps Everything
Exercise done routinely decreases your stress, burns calories, helps you sleep better, and improves your heart health. Do what you like to do, do short bursts several times per day, change up the type of exercise you do, whatever you have to do to keep it up, but make sure exercise is part of your daily routine.
Make it a Lifestyle Change
In order to lose weight and keep it off, you really need to change your entire outlook and lifestyle. You need to commit to the long-term, not just be thinking about the weight loss as the goal in and of itself. Find a way to structure your weight loss plan so that you can shift your mindset to stick with it forever.
Eat Mindfully
As much as you can, make your meals events, not something you do while focusing on something else entirely. Use your meal prep and eating times to do nothing but prep and eat as often as you can. Really think about the food you're eating, and appreciate that you have it, how it tastes, and what it does for your body.
Drink Plenty of Water
Every weight loss plan you look at will include this, and there's a reason for that. Drinking water helps you feel full, yes, but it also keeps all of the systems in your body, including your digestion, working smoothly. It also keeps the body from retaining water, which can translate to a bigger number on the scale. All of that aids in weight loss.
One great practice is to drink a full 16-ounce glass of water before a meal (Elizabeth A. Dennis, 2010). This can help ensure that you aren't mistaking thirst for hunger and also help your stomach feel fuller so you may eat less.
Get Enough Sleep
This really can't be overstated. Study after study shows that lack of good quality or adequate quantities of sleep wreaks havoc on a person's weight loss efforts. It makes us eat more, make poor food choices, feel more stressed, and it has uncounted negative effects on our health in general. Not getting enough sleep disrupts hormone levels in our bodies, making weight gain more likely. Make the time for adequate sleep, and prioritize getting better quality sleep if yours is poor. Learn more here: "14 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep."
Focus on Whole Foods
While some diet plans focus on prepared and packaged foods, whole foods are really the way to go for weight loss and, ultimately, health. Your body really knows what to do with whole foods that don't contain chemicals, too much salt, or added sugar. Plus, they are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and protein that your body needs to function at maximum capacity.
Eat Small Portions
It can take a few minutes for signals from your stomach to reach your brain, telling you you're full. It's easy to eat past the point of fullness in the meantime. Consider eating a small portion, maybe ¼ of what you would normally serve yourself, and wait 15-20 minutes. If you still feel hungry, eat another small portion.
Increase Your Fiber
Fiber helps you feel full. It improves your digestion so you absorb more of your food's nutrients and more waste gets removed. Vegetables and whole grains are great ways to get additional fiber into your diet, and you can also ask your doctor whether a psyllium or glucomannan supplement is right for you. These are soluble fibers which dissolve in water and help promote good digestion. When you take a supplement prior to eating, it can help you feel fuller.
Care must be taken with the use of psyllium or glucomannan. Adequate amounts of water must be taken with them to avoid choking or developing a potential intestinal blockage. Be sure you carefully follow recommended doses and water consumption guidelines, and never start this or any supplement without checking with your doctor first.
Works Cited
- Elizabeth A. Dennis, A. L. (2010, Feb.). Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle-aged and Older Adults. Retrieved from wiley.com: DOI: 10.1038/oby.2009.235.